24 March 2013
Sunday links #6
1 Geographical fashion
French artist Elisabeth Lecourt has folded and fashioned by hand a line of dresses (and other items of clothing) out of vintage maps. Unfortunately, they can't be worn but I think they're gorgeous and I'd love to have several of them framed and hung on my gorgeous white walls in my fabulously converted townhouse - a girl can dream, right?
2 Soul Sunday
Most Sunday mornings, I put some soul on (and dream of my gorgeous white walls in my fabulously converted townhouse). Smokey's Tracks of My Tears is just beautiful.
3 I hereby make an anatomical gift
This NY Times article charts the evolution of the New York driver's licence. Originally issued to just chauffeurs, before being made compulsory for all drivers in 1924, the use of photographs comes and goes and the (slightly bizarre) organ donor wording is introduced around 1976.
4 Say What?
English graduate, copywriter, literature enthusiast...these quotation mark earrings should be mine.
5 Maddie
You've probably seen Maddie - the 'dog on things' - around. A leggy American coonhound, her owners photograph her on things, in things, around things, doing things...ridiculous.
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